Boston Uncommon Senior Capstone

Screenshot of the homepage
A photo of Shaylin installing her exhibition at her senior capstone art showMockup of Bruins Tie Dye T-Shirt with the words: Don't Poke the Bear, featuring 6 goalie masksImage of Shaylin's full exhibition setup for Boston Uncommon in her Senior Capstone Exhibtiion

Visual Identity  + Products


Web Developed, Screen Printed, Exhibited

The development of Boston Uncommon, my senior capstone project, involved web design, branding, and apparel creation. Over two months, I designed and built using, focusing on a clean, user-friendly experience. Boston Uncommon prioritizes seamless user experience and trustworthiness. Each apparel design for each team was meticulously crafted and screen-printed by hand, with some pieces tie-dyed to highlight team colors. The Bruins design highlights the tradition of customized goalie masks with the phrase "Don't Poke the Bear" and masks from players like Cheevers, Tim Thomas, and more. The Celtics design utilizes the "Bleed Green" slogan with a clover logo and colors from their jerseys. The Patriots design features Robert Kraft’s quote after their first Super Bowl win and images of all six Super Bowl rings. The Red Sox design showcases the "Fenway Faithful" motto with Fenway Green and an image of the Fenway media box. This project resulted in a dynamic online platform that redefines sportswear presentation and offers a unique, cohesive brand identity.

Screenshot of the hoempage on a mobile site
Mockup of Celtics T-Shirt with the words: Bleed Green in the shape of a cloverMockup of Patriots Tie Dye T-Shirt with the words: We Are All Patriots, featuring the 6 championship rings
Mockup of Bruins Tie Dye T-Shirt with the words: Don't Poke the Bear, featuring 6 goalie masksImage of Shaylin's full exhibition setup for Boston Uncommon in her Senior Capstone Exhibtiion
Shaylin Logoarrow cream